On 15 October 2024, the CSFN had the opportunity to visit the Fukushima Daichi site, 13 years after the nuclear accident caused by the tsunami of 11 March 2011. The visit to the Decommissioning Archive Center in Tomioka allowed us to relive the chronology of events, while the visit to the site itself showed the progress made by TEPCO on the facilities following the tsunami of 11 March 2011. The reactors have now been stabilised and TEPCO is making major efforts to treat the water used to cool them. Fuel removal operations are continuing, while the first characterisation operations to remove corium debris have begun.


Several French companies are working alongside TEPCO to continue the dismantling work on site.


Hervé De Tremiolles (CSFN), Hervé Maillard (CSFN), Isabelle Senghor (EDF), Enzo Monique (Framatome) in front of reactor number 2

Following this visit, the CSFN met with representatives from KOSEN (National Institute of Technology) and discuss possible areas of cooperation with France. In 2025, a delegation of Japanese students will be welcomed to France for a programme of visits focusing on nuclear issues.


To find out more, click here :

Fukushima Daichi


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